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조선기술사 준비

DPS(Dynamic Positioning System)

by 아재블로거 2020. 11. 13.

1. 정의  : DPS는 계선 또는 앵커의 사용없이 배의 heading 과 위치를 자동적으로 유지하는데
사용 되는 컴퓨터 통제 시스템임 (A Dynamic Positioning System is computer-controlled system used to automatically maintain a vessel’s heading and position without the use of mooring lines and/or anchors.)

2. 적용선박 : Mobile Offshore Drilling Units(MODUs), Floating Production Units(FPUs),
Offshore Supply Vessel(OSV) , Dive Support Vessels, Drillship

3. 목적 :
The DP system is used to maintain the vessel’s position in order to conduct critical activities such as drilling, diving operations, under water construction, and close quarter activities such as bulk cargo transfers, personnel transfers, fuel transfers, deck operations and ROV(
무인잠수정) work.

4. DP System 구성 : Power System, Thruster System and DP Control System

5. DP System 3 Control 방향 :  6자유도 중 surge,(,), Sway (Side to side), Yaw (heading)

6. DP system 등급 : 3 Equipment Classes based on redundancy and protection
(IMO MSC.1/Circ 1580)

1)    Class 1  : A loss of position and/or heading may occur in the event of a single fault
          ( Without redundancy & protection)

2)     Class 2  : A loss of position and/or heading will not occur in the event of a single fault

                 Single failure criteria include, but are not limited to :

- In any active component or system(generators, thrusters, switchboards,
communication network, remote-controlled values etc.)

                 - Normally such static components(cables, pipes ,manual valves, etc.)
 that may immediately affect position keeping capabilities upon failure or
 not properly documented with respect to protection.
 ( With redundancy, Without protection)




    3)  Class 3  : A loss of position and/or heading will not occur in the event of a single fault or failure ( With redundancy, With protection)

A single failure includes:
- Items listed above for class 2, and any normally static component assumed to
- All components in any one watertight compartment, from fire or flooding;
- All components in any one fire sub-division, from fire or flooding
